We are a very musical church! We love many different types of music, both vocal and instrumental, and we offer opportunities for musicians of every age. New members are always welcomed to any of our musical groups. Our music ministry includes:
Our Adult Choir - sings anthems and service music during worship
Rehearsals are Wed. 7:30 p.m. and Sunday 9:45 a.m.
Vocalists - Soloists and small groups have the opportunity to enhance our worship and sing special pieces. Interested in singing? Contact our Music Director, Renée Fossey.
Our handbell choir (click on link for more information)
Rehearsal on Wed 6:30 pm
Our Youth Program (Jr. High & High School) - changing musical opportunities which have included singing, ringing hand chimes, and drumming
Rehearsals Sun. following worship
Our Children's Program - Our kids love to sing! We sing fun songs and songs of the Church as part of our Sunday School opening at 9:00 a.m.
Instruments - @1865 George Stevens Pipe Organ
Charles Walter Grand Piano
Instrumentalists - If you play an instrument and would like to share your talent with the Church family, please contact our Music Director, Renée Fossey.
If you have any further questions about our music ministry, please contact Renée Fossey at rsfossey@tccucc.org or at 978-597-8925. (Church Office)