Church is more than just Sunday worship. It's also about the people of God committing to caring about one another's lives in amazing ways. In our world of modern electronic conveniences, it's easy to mistake following a cause, replying to a post, or making a status update for actual, real friendships and relationships.
At TCC, we want to know who you are, your hopes and dreams, and to share your joys and sorrows with a community that is called to love each other as Christ loved us--deeply, unconditionally, and fully, no matter what.
So when life hands us lumps and bumps (illness, job loss, death, divorce, addiction), our Congregational Care team helps us through those rough patches, and also celebrates the good times too (birthdays, anniversaries, etc). We are a Stephen Ministry congregation and have people trained to listen with an ear to understand, not to fix or respond. So while sometimes folks come to the church to find resources to turn around their situations, we have found that mostly people just need to be heard. Come and tell us your story.